- info@claimrev.com
1-888-724-3099 (918) 842-9564
Introducing Our New Module That Allows You To Send Claims Directly To Us Through The OpenEMR Interface. It’s As Easy As Using The SFTP Server, But With The Added Convenience Of A Rest API. With This Module, You Can Also Automate The Downloading Of Reports And Have Them Seamlessly Integrated Into OpenEMR For Smooth File Handling.
OpenEMR Is A Free And Open-Source Electronic Health Records (EHR) And Practice Management Software System. It Is Used By Healthcare Providers In Over 100 Countries To Improve The Quality Of Care And Efficiency Of Their Practices
The Following Modules Are Planned Expansions In The ClaimRev Ecosystem. As Demand Changes Various Modules Will Be Bumped To The Top Of The List.
The module will have a screen to search for claims that have been sent to us and display the results directly inside the module. Think of it as a “lite” version of the portal. You can see the claims and the translated errors without leaving OpenEMR.
Using the events in openEMR’s core code, the module will run eligibility on the attached patients and place the results in a custom table so that we have full control of what is displayed and how it displayed. Getting eligibility will be quicker and easier.
Go to Packagist to find the module.
Personalized Medical Claims Processing; Streamlined for Faster Healthcare Reimbursement
522320- Financial
Transactions Processing,
Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
518210- Data Processing,
Hosting, and Related Services
524298- All other
Insurance related Activities
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